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Top Sweets Sakura Cherry Blossom Yokan

Sakura Cherry Blossom Yokan


Sakura Cherry Blossom Yokan

CCHAN Cooking
・Powdered Agar...5g
・Salted Cheery blossom..few
・White bean paste...300g
・Red food coloring...few dashes

1. Place water and powdered agar in a pot then let it boiled, simmered for 1- 2 mins.
Then add sugar in the pot.
2. Pour the sugary liquid in a container, fill it up to the half of the container, then put salted cheery blossom in it then have it freeze in the fridge.
3. Place white bean paste in a bowl then add red food coloring in it, mix them properly.
4. Mix the remianing of sugary liquid and the coloured bean paste together.
5. Pour the mixture into the container, then freeze in the fridge♪

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